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Taiwan's Precarious Geopolitical Situation: US Support Spark Global Concerns

The island's geopolitical significance is vital to US interests. As such, the United States provides necessary defense articles and services to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient level of self-defense capabilities.

Photo by Jack Brind / Unsplash

Taiwan finds itself in a delicate geopolitical situation at present. Despite handling Covid-19 without implementing a lockdown, the island nation is on the verge of becoming a highly contentious geopolitical flashpoint of this decade.

The President of Taiwan has expressed concerns over the escalating threat from China, which seems to be growing with each passing day. Additionally, the presence of US military trainers on the island has been confirmed.

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The recent approval by the US Department of State for the potential sale of ammunition and logistics support to Taiwan, valued at up to US$440 million, is seen more as an act of opposition towards China rather than outright support for Taiwan. This move is part of a broader securitization strategy within Washington's Taiwan policy.

Global Concerns

In response to the Biden administration's approval of over $1.1 billion in arms sales to Taiwan, China has issued a warning to the United States, stating that it will take "countermeasures."

Previous arms sales from the US to Taiwan have included engineering services for the Patriot missile defense system, as well as air and ground-launched missiles capable of targeting strategic locations within China. The cumulative value of these arms sales exceeds $1.1 billion.

Taiwan holds significant importance for the United States due to its critical role in the defense of Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. The island's geopolitical significance is vital to US interests. As such, the United States provides necessary defense articles and services to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient level of self-defense capabilities.

The US's military support for Taiwan is based on the Taiwan Relations Act, which permits the supply of "defensive" weapons to the island. Moreover, the US offers grant assistance, loans, training, and stockpiles to strengthen Taiwan's military capabilities.

Should China pose a threat to Taiwan's security or democracy, the US may impose sanctions on China. Efforts to enhance support for Taiwan have involved continued military arms sales, training, official exchanges, and attempts to include Taiwan in various initiatives.

The Taiwan Relations Act

The Taiwan Relations Act, passed by the United States Congress on April 10, 1979, defines the substantial yet unofficial relations between the American and Taiwanese people.

\The act's purpose is to foster peace, security, and stability in the Western Pacific, aligning with the foreign policy goals of the United States. It authorizes the continuation of commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan.

The act further grants de facto diplomatic relations with Taiwan's governing authorities, empowering the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) as the de facto embassy. It states that any pre-1979 international agreements between the Republic of China and the United States remain valid unless terminated otherwise.

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The AIT serves as the de facto Embassy of the United States of America in Taiwan, operating as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US federal government with Congressional oversight.

United States Department of State

Established under the auspices of the US Government as a non-profit, private corporation, the AIT is tasked with serving US interests in Taiwan. Staffed primarily by employees of the United States Department of State and local workers, the AIT provides consular services typically offered by US diplomatic missions. The Great Seal of the State Department is prominently displayed at the AIT's main office in Taipei.

The United States maintains the ability to resist any form of coercion or force that would endanger Taiwan's security, as well as its social and economic system. The fate of Taiwan carries significant implications for US security and prosperity. It also raises fundamental questions regarding international order and the future of democracy.

In conclusion, Taiwan's precarious geopolitical position, the escalating threat from China, and the US's continued support for the island through military arms sales and diplomatic efforts highlight the significance of Taiwan's fate for global security, international order, and the future of democracy.

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