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The Apple car is coming after Tesla's!

Apple is believed to be working on an electric vehicle project that it plans to launch a few years down the road.

The video gives a sneak-peak of what the car could look like, while people commenting on the news piece are saying it will not come with a charger!

Jokes aside, the car is a top-secret project in the works at a hidden lab named “SG5” in Sunnyvale, Calif.

Internally, the effort is believed to be known as “Project Titan” and may one day yield an “Apple Car,” says Apple Insider.

Watch the full video and draw your own conclusions.

Its no secret, Apple is really working on a ‘Apple Car’

Apple’s interest in a car dates back to before the original iPhone, and Apple executives discussed building a car before the device launched.

Steve Jobs considered developing an Apple car, and even met with the manufacturer of the lightweight, inexpensive “V-Vehicle” in 2010.

In 2008, they decided not to work on a car, preferring instead to focus development on the iPhone.

But now, the cat is out of the bag! Watch out Tesla!

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