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The Economy Of The Malay Group

The Economy Of The Malay Group

By Harisma Noviyana
Student; Islamic Economy Institute of Bengkalis (STIE SYARIAH)

More than 400 million Malays live in the archipelago who have the same beliefs, way of life and language. The Malay community inhabits the regions of Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia, Southern Thailand (Patani), Brunei Darussalam and Southern Philippines (Mindanao).

Specifically, according to Tengku Lukman Sinar, the Malays originally inhabited the southern regions of Thailand, West and East Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, West Kalimantan, Tamiang (East Aceh), the South East Coast, Riau, Jambi and the Palembang Coast.

This condition is a strength for this society to forge cooperation in the economic field, even if separated by geopolitics and ideology.

The development of the halal food industry in the Malay community is the biggest force in the Southeast Asian region if done optimally. However, if it’s not only done on a consumption basis but more important of all if it is through the formation of production groups that supply the halal food industry in this region, it might become a bigger business model.

If this is achieved, Shariah economics will then have the potential to replace the conventional system that has long been widely used in the region.

The way out is in consolidating the perception on how to carry out the concept of shariah economics. Indeed, there is the strengthening of the field of human resources by increasing knowledge and understanding of the importance of the Malay community’s migration from the conventional economy to the Islamic economy. This approach will increase and strengthen the economic alliance between the many Malay groups.

The cooperation will strengthen the bond of friendship, develop the economic potential, the halal food industry, the growth of the Small and Medium Industry (SMI) sector as well as the strengthening of shariah finance.

Done well, this collaboration will lead to the creation of an authoritative Malay Muslim community in the field of shariah economy.