This App Brings Together Live Overview Of Crypto, Stock Investments

GHENT, Belgium, Dec. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Belgium-based digital investment portfolio Delta adds broker account connections to its smartphone app. As a result, investors no longer have to enter their transactions themselves. From now on, the application will synchronize them automatically. In this way, Delta is the first app in the world to offer its users a live overview of the returns on their shares, funds and cryptocurrencies. Today, Delta has more than 3 million users in over 115 countries, which makes the app one of the fastest-growing players on the market.
The app bundles all investments in one place, the recipe for this success story. In this way, Delta eliminates the need to use multiple applications or platforms. In the US, more than 330,000 investors already get a clear overview of the latest evolutions of their cryptocurrencies, investments, stocks, mutual funds and ETF’s via the app on their smartphones. The user-friendliness gets an extra boost today because Delta is the first app on the market that also offers broker account connections.
Connection with more than 5,000 banks and brokers
The new feature makes it possible to automatically import new transactions into the user’s portfolio overview. Delta establishes an automatic connection with more than 5,000 banks and brokers to ensure that the latest data is synchronized. This synchronization makes it possible to respond quickly to new opportunities.
“No one has to juggle with different stock and crypto apps anymore. Delta is the only one to provide a live and complete overview of everything that is anywhere in your investment portfolios,” said Nicolas Van Hoorde, CEO of Delta.
Art and real estate in investment overview
Users of the investment tracker have long been able to rely on the latest news on the Dow Jones and the opinions of the Wall Street Journal integrated into the app. On a daily basis, Delta shares the latest updates for each portfolio and, thanks to an advanced algorithm, investors receive relevant news about expected changes in their portfolio.
“In the future, we want to make it possible to add investments such as art and real estate to the range so that users can get an instant overview of everything they are investing in through our app. We want to make their lives a lot easier by ensuring that they always have all the financial information at hand immediately via their smartphone,” concludes Nicolas Van Hoorde.