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Trakindo Appreciates Journalists Through Award

Jakarta, December 25, 2021 – PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo), a Cat heavy equipment solution provider in Indonesia, awarded journalists from all over the archipelago through the Trakindo Journalistic Award (AJT). This activity is an appreciation of Indonesian journalists who have been Trakindo’s partners in educating the public about various aspects of the industrial sector, especially regarding the heavy equipment industry that Trakindo works on.

The sole theme of this competition is 50 Years of Trakindo’s Dedication to Work for Indonesia. As is well known, the heavy equipment industry plays an important role in economic recovery due to its presence as a supporter in various other sectors, ranging from forestry, agriculture/plantation, construction, energy and transportation, mining. Especially for Trakindo itself, its activities are also expanded through CSR activities that touch many aspects of health, education and the environment.

PT Trakindo Utama Corporate Communication and CSR Manager Candy Sihombing reminded the important role of journalists in this economic recovery period. “With the current authority of the media, fellow journalists have become beacons that provide clarity of information in the midst of the current rapid flow of information. In addition, in the midst of recovery efforts in the health sector and the current economy, we – the Indonesian people need to learn more about new knowledge and the media to be a trusted source for this. That is why we feel that the contributions and roles of these fellow journalists need to be especially appreciated,” said Candy Sihombing.

After going through a rigorous selection and judging process, finally, the jury team from Trakindo decided 3 journalists were entitled to receive the 2021 Trakindo Journalistic Award because they succeeded in writing works that could open the eyes of the public. The three journalists are:

  • Lilis Setyaningsih , Warta Kota Tribunnews , “Not only pursuing profit, businesses must have basic reasons to be present in the market, why?”,
  • William Syukur , Equipment Indonesia , “Trakindo Releases Cat D1, D2, D3 – Tough and Sophisticated Small Trio of Dozers”,
  • Anton Chrisbianto , Koran Sindo , “Commodity Prices Drive Increased Demand for Heavy Equipment”

The winners were announced on December 23, 2021, right on Trakindo’s 51st anniversary this year.

Met separately, the General Chair of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Network (JMSI) Teguh Santosa expressed his appreciation for the activities carried out by Trakindo. “The journalism competition, like the one held by Trakindo, is a golden opportunity for members of the press to continue to hone their capacity. Especially in the current era of digitizing information, people need journalistic work produced by journalists or journalists who have competence,” said Teguh Santosa.

Trakindo was born on December 23, 1970. Since its establishment 50 years ago, Trakindo has always strived to create decent and quality jobs for as many Indonesians as possible. Trakindo has become a home for many people to achieve a better life, by respecting differences and diversity.

“Trakindo itself continues to be committed to assisting the business world and the industrial sector to drive the wheels of the Indonesian economy. For this reason, we always greatly appreciate the trust and support of fellow journalists throughout the country,” concluded Candy Sihombing.