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Trans Person Harassing Dollar General Worker for Misgendering Them

A trans man was unhappy that he was allegedly misgendered at a Dollar General after having his card malfunctioning. The debate between liberals and conservatives are headed on towards the matter.

Trans Person Harassing Dollar General Worker for Misgendering Them
Image is a screen shot from Dollar General's official X page.

The rise of individuals who are non-binary or transgender recording staff in establishments where some might find uncomfortable. The debate between liberals and conservatives are headed on towards the matter.

It seems that this may be a never ending one as those who support the movement will say that it is in fact discriminatory to misgender someone. A trans man was unhappy that he was allegedly misgendered at a Dollar General after having his card malfunctioning.

Prior to this, there has been a prominent trans woman who regularly calls out restaurant workers for misgendering her. According to Evie Magazine, there is a trans woman whose internet persona revolves around restaurant outings, presenting masculine, then becoming upset when "misgendered." 

Lilly Contino, aka Lilly Tino, showcases these interactions on TikTok, often demanding managers fire staff. The individual’s entitlement and Karen-like behavior attract controversy. Despite transitioning, the individual maintains toxic traits, demanding attention and exploiting servers for free meals. 

Tino's explicit content on Patreon contradicts his LGBTQ+ advocacy, as does his assumption about Kurt Cobain's gender. This individual’s behavior raises questions about true allyship and personal integrity, prompting scrutiny of his motives and authenticity.

Trans person harassing Dollar General worker

Apparently, X users do not find this serious at all. They simply state that it is peculiar that someone’s card is either declined or not accepted at a dollar store. Furthermore, many feel that at times these individuals are extremely sensitive or that they would simply want to make a scene for social media clout. 

There appears to be a confusion with the individual’s card, but suddenly it turned into a gender debate. Regardless, users state that if an incident like this happens, people should not bring in their personal matters, especially when it involves workers in the service industry. 

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