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Trump Getting More Attention After 2023 Indictment

Some have reasons to believe that America, with the woke enterprise in power, is shifting from a just, reliable nation to a broken democracy with Trump s indictment

Efforts are being made to kick Trump out of the 2024 Presidential Race? - Photo by Jon Tyson / Unsplash

Former US President Donald Trump’s indictment has drawn attention and criticism from world leaders and human rights activists, who see it as a sign of the decline of democracy and the rule of law in the U.S.

Some of Trump’s critics have welcomed the indictment as a long overdue accountability for his alleged crimes and abuses of power. They have also expressed hope that it would deter him from running again in 2024.

Some of Trump’s allies have denounced the indictment as a political vendetta and a distraction from the problems facing the country. They have also expressed support for Trump and his potential comeback.

Trump’s indictment marks a new chapter in his turbulent post-presidency saga. It also raises questions about his political future and his impact on the Republican Party and the country.

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Reactions On US and Democracy

The indictment of Trump has also sparked reactions from human rights activists, who see it as a test of the accountability and integrity of the U.S. justice system.

Amnesty International USA said in a statement that the indictment was “a welcome step toward holding Trump accountable for his alleged role in violating campaign finance laws and silencing women who spoke out about his sexual misconduct.”

The statement added that “Trump must also face accountability for the litany of other human rights violations he committed during his presidency, including his role in inciting the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2023.”

Human Rights Watch said in a tweet that the indictment was “a reminder that no one is above the law, not even a former president.” The tweet also said that “Trump should also be held accountable for his abuses of power and human rights violations while in office.”

Political Witch Hunt

However, some of Trump’s supporters and allies have dismissed the indictment as a political witch hunt and a distraction from the problems facing the country.

Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a tweet that the indictment was “a disgraceful attempt to silence and punish a political opponent.” She also said that “the American people see through this sham” and that “Trump will prevail.”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has been a vocal admirer of Trump and his nationalist policies, said in a Facebook post that he was “shocked” by the indictment and that he stood by Trump. He also said that “Trump is not only a great leader but also a freedom fighter” and that he should “keep on fighting.”

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, another staunch ally of Trump and a fellow populist leader, said in a radio interview that he was “very sad” about the indictment and that he hoped Trump would “overcome this obstacle.” He also said that he had “a lot of respect” for Trump and that he was “a friend of Brazil.”

The indictment of Trump has exposed the deep divisions and polarizations in the U.S. and around the world. It has also raised questions about the future of democracy and the rule of law in a country that has long prided itself as a beacon of freedom and justice.

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