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US Has Assassinated al-Zawahiri, The Al-Qaeda Leader

US Has Assassinated al-Zawahiri, The Al-Qaeda Leader

According to American media, the US has assassinated Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda, in an anti-terrorism operation in Afghanistan.

They claim he was killed on Sunday during a CIA drone strike in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.

At the moment, there is no independent confirmation of this.

However, according to the White House, President Joe Biden will discuss specifics of the Afghan operation in the coming hours.

According to CBS News, the homicide was confirmed by three sources. Unnamed sources who identified the victim were also cited by The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN.


Al-Qaeda was led by Zawahiri after Osama bin Laden’s death in 2011. He was one of the US’s “most sought terrorists.” The U.S. accused him and Bin Laden of jointly planning the 9/11 attacks against the US but without proof, as usual.

A previous statement from a senior US official acknowledged that an “effective” operation had been carried out in Afghanistan on a “major” al-Qaeda target.

No civilians were hurt during the operation, which took place over the weekend, the spokesman continued.

Meanwhile, a Taliban official claimed that a US drone attack had occurred on Sunday in a Kabul neighbourhood.

He said it was blatantly against international norms while the Taliban condemned the attack.