Will Mauritius Reshuffle Its Cabinet?

The MSM, with its back against the wall and opponents pounding incessantly on the Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth for the breach in national security with the cyber espionage episode, is trying to fight back.
One of the means it is devising to save the party and to remain in power is to create a new post of Deputy Prime Minister and already there are politicians and ministers who are bidding for the post.
The current government have a deputy PM Louis Steven Obeegadoo and two Vice PM, Leela Devi Dookhun and Mohammad Anwar Husnoo. They became Vice-Prime Minister on November 12, 2019.
But there are pressures for a new DPM to be nominated. A source says a cabinet reshuffle will include the removal of some ministers who are failing in their defence of the PM in the wake of the snooping scandal.
The source did not say whether Obeegadoo will be removed as DPM but it says a new DPM is on the cards and it could be Maneesh Gobin, Attorney General & Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security who either replaces him or is promoted as a second DPM.
“This is part of the MSMs preparation for a change of leadership in the event Mr Pravind will have to step down following the numerous blunders he is committing since he came to power,” says the source.
The source adds that PM Jugnauth is already feeling the pressure from inside the party with some breaking ranks on the snooping scandal.
“Not all the ministers are in his favour. Since the scandal broke out, some are thinking of their political future. Some are trying to take advantage of the situation and are positioning themselves for higher posts,” says the source.
Hindu belt
On the other hand, it is now confirmed that socio-cultural associations are slowly distancing themselves from the PM.
Besides the snub last week where he was made to sit and wait for 2 hours without having a chance to speak at a Ravived religious ceremony, it appears that other Hindu cultural organisations are also thinking on the same line.
“They might also bar him from speaking at their events. If the PM thinks the Hindu belt is still backing him, he is mistaken,” says the source.
The opposition and civil forces are currently in unison for the organisation of a massive rally on August 7. WorldFuture is told the organisers are pushing hard among the population for a mass rally that will give the MSM regime a shock.
However, there have been such rallies in the past but they did not deliver the expected results, that is a collapse of the regime or a change in its rogue attitude.