Will Trump squeeze some countries to force them to send their tourists to unpopular America?

As long as Trump continues on his ‘I Am America’ policies, shunning the foreigner and calling their nations from ‘sh8 holes’ to ‘terror nations’ or ‘trade enemies of the USA’ – like what he said about Malaysia being on a list of countries that are causing the US to lose in terms of trade deficit, then the situation will remain tough for the US travel industry.

However, it is the reaction of Trump to this tourism downfall – much of which has to do with his policies – that is of great worry. Will Trump threaten to squeeze some countries, forcing them to send their tourists to America? 

America is getting increasingly unpopular among international travellers and the Donald Trump administration’s craziness has added to the curse.

Bloomberg today said historically, the U.S. had only to sit back and let foreign tourists (and their money) roll in.

But over the past few years, though, that gravy train has begun to dry up, a trend that accelerated as Trump began to make good on promises to restrict immigration.

The US travel industry has joined forced and is asking the White House to help. But will they get the help they want?

The US is increasingly anti-foreign, as most of the countries in the world today are becoming indeed. Malaysia has seen its fair share of foreign travellers and foreign workers, while Singaporeans raged against foreigners a few years ago.

But the fact remains that foreign travellers are good for business, especially for the hospitality and the services industries.

Before the Trump era, the US was a top destination but since then a decline noted since 2015 has accelerated and this is not good for the plans to make America great again.

Why? Because the foreigners cash is not flowing well in the US today and that is causing a collapse of the American hospitality business.

While a strong U.S. dollar had also contributed to this dynamic, the American currency is currently undergoing a difficult path falling against global currencies and giving the local ringgit a ray of hope.

Bloomberg said the US Commerce Department reported a 3.3 percent drop in traveler spending for last year, through November, the equivalent of $4.6 billion in losses and 40,000 jobs.

The U.S. share of international long-haul travel fell to 11.9 percent last year, from 13.6 percent in 2015, according to the U.S. Travel Association, a slippage the group said equates to 7.4 million visitors and $32.2 billion in spending. (The average “long-haul” visitor to the states spends 18 nights and $4,400, according to U.S. Travel.)