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World News: Cons Plans for after Sunak and the Hottest Year

Reports say the Conservatives in the UK are making plans for the after Sunak era while the northern hemisphere battles against the hottest year on record in our world news brief

World News
Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel / Unsplash

Italian authorities investigate Venice bus crash that killed at least 21 people. A Hungarian tourist bus crashed into a canal in Venice, Italy, on Sunday, killing at least 21 people, including five children. The bus was carrying 39 people, including the driver and tour guide. The cause of the crash is still under investigation.

  • Pakistan announces mass deportation of 'illegal immigrants' including Afghans. Pakistan has announced that it will begin mass deporting "illegal immigrants," including Afghans, from the country. The move comes as Pakistan is facing increasing pressure from the United States to do more to address the issue of illegal immigration.
  • Britain's Sunak issues rallying cry for a party that is already planning life without him. British Chancellor Rishi Sunak has issued a rallying cry for the Conservative Party, calling on its members to unite behind him. However, many analysts believe that Sunak is unlikely to survive as Chancellor much longer, as the party is already planning for life without him.

The hottest year

  • The women vying to become Mexico's next president. Mexico is set to hold its presidential election in 2024, and there are a number of women who are vying to become the country's next president. The most prominent candidates are Claudia Sheinbaum, the mayor of Mexico City, and Marcelo Ebrard, the country's foreign minister.
  • 2023 on track to be the hottest year as September shatters heat records. According to the World Meteorological Organization, 2023 is on track to be the hottest year on record, with September shattering heat records around the world. The extreme heat is being caused by climate change, and it is having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems around the globe.