Candace Owens Receiving SUPPORT for Anti-Military Draft Response to Looming War

The topic of World War III has been rather a popular one in recent months. The proposal for the American youth to be drafted into this war is vehemently opposed by most Americans.

Candace Owens Receiving SUPPORT for Anti-Military Draft Response to Looming War
Image of Candace Owens from Wikipedia.

The topic of World War III has been rather a popular one in recent months. The proposal for the American youth to be drafted into this war is vehemently opposed by most Americans. For the most part, Americans feel that their country in itself needs fixing, and sending the youth to war will not help the country that much. 

Candace Owens, more often a conservative commentator, makes it clear that she is vehemently against war. One of her YouTube clips states that no American should enter the war involving Israel. The comments under her video are all agreeing with her sentiment citing that they will not send their children to war. 

Additionally, she posted on X that the “Elites” want war, and added that the American people should not send their children to die for them. X users respond by saying that they have had their entire family be involved with the military, and now, they’re done with it.

However, there are some nay-sayers stating that she should have more respect towards veterans, even though she did not make any negative remarks towards them in said post. Other users state that the evil of drafting children into war should be stopped. Many thought it's supposed to end in the 1970s. 

Now, her controversial departure from the Daily Wire has also been discussed among social media users. The speculation is that she is against war in general, and especially towards the ongoing war in Israel. 

According to Variety, Owens, who joined Daily Wire in 2021 and hosted a weekday commentary show, confirmed the news. “The rumors are true — I am finally free,” she wrote, adding, “There will be many announcements in the weeks to come.” 

Owens hinted at tensions with Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro over her alleged anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and criticism of Israel’s military actions. Despite this, Owens remains defiant, promising to continue her commentary on her personal platforms.

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