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Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum criticized for being too woke

The controversial new President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico has been under fire for her ethnicity, which is an unfortunate reason for today’s world. However, conservatives everywhere are annoyed at seeing a photograph of her with the pride flag and the transgender flag behind her.

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum criticized for being too woke
Image of Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum from Wikipedia.

The controversial new President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico has been under fire for her ethnicity, which is an unfortunate reason for today’s world. However, conservatives everywhere are annoyed at seeing a photograph of her with the pride flag and the transgender flag behind her.

They add that the Mexican flag is nowhere to be found. The circumstances of her becoming President is seen as something mysterious among social media users as there were 37 assassination attempts before her receiving this role.

GulfNews states, Mexico's election is now its bloodiest in modern history after a candidate in central Puebla state was murdered at a political rally, raising the number of assassinated candidates to 37 ahead of Sunday's vote. 

Jorge Huerta Cabrera, running for a council seat in Izucar de Matamoros, was gunned down, according to the state prosecutor's office.

This brings the total of assassinated candidates in the 2024 election season to 37, surpassing the 36 killed in the 2021 midterm election. Violent crime has become a key issue in the presidential contest. 

Analysts point to powerful drug cartels and corrupt local governments as major factors. Earlier this week, a mayoral candidate in Guerrero state was also killed.

Mexican President Claudia unpopular due to being too "woke"

 Following that, X users state that ideological flags should not take precedence of the national flag. Additionally, their state's wokeness is a recipe for disaster as other countries who had leaders who support this ideology have helped their countries go into a decline. 

Additionally, Americans are saying that they should colonize the country again and stop the wokeness from spreading. But, other users are criticizing this idea as they blame the United States with some of the problems the world is currently having now. 

Read More News here and at our affiliate websites Latest Malaysia and WorldFuture

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