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Wadah Wishes Erdogan Swift Recovery

WADAH believes that such leaders as President Erdogan could play a pivotal role in shaping the future of their countries.

Foreign Affairs
Reports say Erdogan fell sick and had to stop an interview - Pix Wikipedia

Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia (WADAH) (Movement for an Informed Society, Malaysia), would like to express our well wishes and prayers for H.E. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"The recent news of his illness has deeply saddened us; we however remain hopeful that he will soon recover and continue to lead with his noble vision," says Dato' Hj Ahmad Azam Ab Rahman, President, WADAH.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim also prayed for the health and recovery of the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan who suffered from stomach inflammation recently.

Anwar Calls Erdogan

Anwar announced through a tweet on his Twitter page that he had time to talk the President of Turkey yesterday to inquire about his current health.

"I had a chance to speak with President Erdogan last night. Alhamdulillah, he is getting better and thanks everyone who prayed.

"May he continue to be given strength and vitality, InshaAllah," he said here today.

Earlier media reported that Erdogan's interview with a local broadcaster was suddenly interrupted on Tuesday night when the Turkiye leader felt unwell during the live event due to stomach inflammation also known as gastroenteritis.

WADAH believes that such leaders as President Erdogan could play a pivotal role in shaping the future of their countries. His dedication, hard work and commitment to his people's well-being have indeed demonstrated his leadership effectiveness.

Wadah: Get Well Soon

"It is our sincere hope that President Erdogan will soon be able to return to full health and continue to elevate his nation to greater heights.

"Our heartfelt wishes go to President Erdogan, his family, and the people of Turkey during this challenging time. We continue to pray to ALlah the Al-Mighty for President Erdogan's speedy recovery," the media statement says.

Free Al-Ghannouchi And Return Democracy To Tunisia
WADAH, an Islamic movement in Malaysia strongly condemns the unlawful detention of Rached al-Ghannouchi and calls for his immediate release