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Five MP's to cross over to Labour?

The Parliament of Mauritius

The latest info from Port Louis is that no less than 5 Members of the Parliament (MP) are in the process of crossing over from the government to the opposition party, the Labour Party.

The news just came to WorldFutureTv that the five members are on their way out from the government coalition. 

Among them is said to be a prominent Minister from the MSM and the cross-over is on the brink of happening.

If this information is true, the MSM-ML alliance in power will see its Parliamentary majority cut to three seats against the opposition group. Its number of seats will fall from 40 to 35, but it will still rule as it has the support of the two MP’s from Rodrigues Island thus having 37 seats or a five seat majority against 32 seats that the opposition will hold if the five MSM members leaves the coalition.